Year ending 31 March 2024

This data has now been superseded and is for historical reference only. For the most accurate data, the Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) recommends the use of data from the most recent release. The CSA does not recommend the use of this data to make comparisons over time.

The Crime Statistics Agency publishes recorded crime statistics here every quarter. You can also view crime data by local government area in the latest crime data by area.

Access summary statistics on criminal incidents, recorded offences, alleged offenders, victim reports, family incidents by clicking the menu buttons below or download the full set of data tables in the Download data tab.

For the annual report, the CSA has released data on unique victims and alleged offenders across Victoria for the past ten financial years. 

Please note that movements in recorded crime data may be impacted by changes in legislation and operational police practice. Information is available about notable changes in the Explanatory Notes, refer to this information when comparing data over time. Below highlights substantial changes that should be considered when analysing the data.

From March 2020 to December 2021 Victoria responded to the global COVID-19 pandemic through a range of health responses that included periods of restrictions on people’s movements and daily activities. The health response was supported by the use of offence codes relating to breaches of Chief Health Officer (CHO) Directions the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (External link). The restrictions on movement and introduction of breaches of CHO directions had a flow on effect for Victorian recorded crime, and this differed by crime type. For more information about the impacts of COVID-19 on crime please see the CSA paper Police-recorded crime trends in Victoria during the COVID-19 pandemic: update to the end of December 2020. Data trends overtime should be interpreted with caution.

Download data

Download all Excel data tables for the year ending March 2024. With detailed information on recorded offences, criminal incidents, alleged offender incidents, victim reports, family incidents, Indigenous alleged offender incidents, Indigenous family incidents and property items stolen.