Crime Statistics (Fees & Charges) Regulations 2015

About the regulations

The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) regulations are created under the provisions of section 5 of the Crime Statistics Act 2014. These regulations allow the CSA to provide customised statistical consultancy services on a cost-recovered basis.

A Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) was prepared which assessed the proposed regulations and alternatives. The RIS considered four different models of cost recovery and concluded that it was appropriate to recover costs on a full cost recovery basis.


Public comment and consultation

Public comments were invited on the draft regulations and the Regulatory Impact Statement in March-April 2015.  One submission was received, that raised the following points:

  1. the aggregation of summary trend statistics in the CSA's first public release was at too high a level
  2. the authors are interested in the supply of drug type data
  3. the authors do not wish to participate in collaborative research partnerships given their work
  4. the authors do not have the financial resources to be able to pay for data.


Statement of reasons and decision made

The CSA will be continuing to explore the level of data disaggregation for future public releases, taking into account data quality and the need to present a concise, yet informative set of regular statistics about recorded crime in Victoria. The CSA is working with Victoria Police on ways to improve the breadth, depth and quality of statistical information available about illicit drugs within the official recorded crime statistics so that this information can be made available to the public, policy-makers and researchers. CSA is happy to discuss the needs of dedicated research agencies and work with them on ways to best meet their information requirements.

The issues raised in the submission are best responded to on an individual-needs basis within the constraints of the quality of the available data. The issues raised did not invalidate the fees and charges mechanism proposed in the regulations.

Taking into account the issues raised, the Minister for Police and Corrections recommended the regulations be made without amendment.

The Crime Statistics (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2015 were made on 9 June 2015.


What happens next?

The Crime Statistics Agency will commence operation of fee for service customised consultancy services from 8 July 2015. For more information on the fees and charges please see the Fees & Charges FAQs (External link)


Further information

For any assistance please contact the Crime Statistics Agency at (External link).


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